The Faure Island Crew

February 9, 2008

Planning meeting of the DX Chasers Club to organise their upcoming DX Pedition to Faure Island.


Left to right all VK6′ XI YEL Brian(swl) ZIC(hidden) NU TDG APK HRC TT JX TRA NE EH.

VK6FAU Faure Island IOTA OC-206

February 5, 2008

Faure 1 177(1)The VK6 DX Chasers Club (DXCC) are pleased to announce that they will be active from Faure Island IOTA OC-206 WESTERN AUSTRALIA STATE (S.W. COAST) NORTH GROUP from 26th March to 1st April 2008. They also will take part in the CQWW WPX Phone contest as a Multi Single station. Operators will be, all VK6′ JX APK NU YEL EH TT HRC HTW XI and Brian SWL. Operation will be on all bands 160-10 Metres CW, SSB, and Digital modes.

QSL VIA Bureau or Direct to our qsl manager VK6NE. For direct qsl please enclose $2 US or 1 New Style IRC with sase.

Mr Neil Penfold
2 Moss Ct
WA 6026

aust-mapSHARK BAY

Shark Bay is situated about 850 Kms north from Perth. It is recognised as one of the most remarkable places on Earth. This amazing area was placed on the World Heritage list in 1991, and is one of the places in the world that satisfy all four natural criteria for listing.

They are:

Major stages of the world’s evolutionary history.
Geological and biological processes.
Natural beauty.
Threatened species.



Faure Island lies in the southern part of Shark Bay ( pdf map of Shark Bay) . It was for nearly 100 years used as a pastoral station by the Hoult family, stocking Merino Sheep and Angora Goats. Faure Island is now owned and managed by the Australian Wildlife Conservancy who took over the lease in 1999. After acquisition by the AWC, these pastoral activities were replaced with an active program of on-ground management to restore the natural values of the island that form an important component of the Shark Bay World Heritage Area. An ambitious plan to reduce and confine stock, and to eradicate feral cats and goats, was seen as an opportunity to re-establish threatened native mammals on the island. AWC has released four species of nationally threatened mammals onto Faure Island and is in the process of establishing self-sustaining populations of the:

* Burrowing Bettong (Boodie)
* Shark Bay Mouse
* Banded Hare-wallaby
* Western Barred Bandicoots

For more information see the AWC Website.

Special Thanks

The VK6 DX Chasers Club would like to thank the Australian Wildlife Conservancy and in particular Ms Jo Williams for all her help in getting permission to operate from Faure Island. In return the group will be doing some maintenance and repairs to the property during their stay.


